Friday, July 12, 2013

Rock the boat: Attempt 2

Isn't going so well...

Andre has stabilized well over the last week. So I decided to try the salmon oil again. Two nights ago I added it back to his meals.

Maybe I'm imagining it, but he seems to be trying to eat more crap in the yard and seems to be more ravenous in general. I was going to continue and see what happens...

Until this evening. He was just lying here in bed and started heaving like he would throw up. He didn't, but that's not a good sign. It's been on day 3 or 4 each time I try to do something new. Could also have been related to having had several biscuits, but I doubt it. 

I'm wondering how he'd handle the addition of whole fish to his meals once or twice a week. Since he does ok for a few days with the salmon oil and then he has trouble, as though it has built up in his system-- or like his stomach can only work that hard for so many days in a row, perhaps giving him fish once or twice a week, as we do with the other dogs, would be a better option...

He might get to sleep out of the crate tonight in case he's sick.

Think he's scamming me?

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